Charlie Moreno is a young talented player from the Canary Islands, now living in Barcelona, and is taking the Spanish music scene by the storm. Apart from multiple collaborations with a wide array of artists, he has relased 2 solo bass CD's (the new one is just being finished and will be for sale here, of course).

When the Dutch guys at Windmill approached Charlie to build him a signature bass, he had some clear ideas about what he wanted. If you see Charlie on stage, you'll learn that he plays his heart out everytime, and makes good use of all kinds of techniques with great command, be it fingerstyle, fast lines and arpeggios, and or course extreme slapping and two handed tapping.

With that in mind, Windmill has developed a bass that is light to hold, ultra responsive, easy to play, and with a wide array of tones.

In order to get his trademark percussive sound, Charlie opted for a swamp ash body with a maple neck and fingerboard, and of course bolt on construction (with great access to all 24 frets, by the way). The pickups are located a little bit closer to the neck than is the norm, and this effectively compensated the strong attack of the ash/maple combo and sweetens things up nicely.

Two Windmill Bigmag pickups deliver clear sounds with a hot output, and the active/passive 3 band EQ just adds versatility when needed.

The small headstock is thicker than usual, adding sustain and avoiding dead spots at the same time. A Hipshot D-Tuner is featured, so you can quickly detune your low B and extend the range of your bass.

To sum up: a great bass that is very easy to play, weights nothing, and just encourages you to try whatever technique you may think of (including some you may have disregarded in the past just because you could not play them in lesser basses).

Click here to get Charlie's CD "So Lonely"

Windmill Charlie Moreno Signature

Windmill Charlie Moreno Signature

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